The INTERSPEECH2020 Organizers wish to announce that after closely monitoring the situation of COVID-19 and maintaining close communication with ISCA Board, we have decided to postpone IS2020 to October 26-29, 2020 (tutorial day Oct 25) but keep the location in Shanghai. We will work with the organizers of satellite workshops and challenges based on these changes. The NEW IMPORTANT DATES to watch are listed below. We look forward to running IS2020 and related events in Shanghai as a well-attended conference, and will augment with remote participation by a fraction of the attendees. Details related remote participation will be announced in due course. Under all circumstances, the IS2020 Organizers will push forward and complete the process of conference proceedings publication. Shanghai has very pleasant weather in October, and we sincerely hope that the COVID-19 threat will be over by then so we can welcome you all to Shanghai for IS2020! In the meantime, please take care and stay healthy!